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Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Book Review- Comanche Woman by Joan Johnston

Chief Quanah Parker of the Kwahadi ComancheImage via Wikipedia
This book takes place in Old time Texas, where there is Native Americans and white folk. It begins with Bayleigh Stewart ( one  of three daughters of the wealthy plantation owner, Rip Stewart), she is kidnapped by raiding Comanche's and is taken to their tribe. The leader of the tribe, Many Horses takes her and cares for her, but doesnt abuse her in any manner. Meantime, her family doesnt know what to think after they had spent so much time looking for her. Her sister, Cricket married to Creed, and pregnant with their first child, asks Creed's friend, Long Quiet (half Comanche and Half white) to help find her sister. Long Quiet knows her sister as he was schooled in Boston, near where she went to school, and had fallen for her. However, she only had eyes for Jonas Harper at that time. Long Quiet agrees to look for her and does find her after fighting another tribe, and meeting Many Horses. From there Long Quiet set out to show Bayleigh that he really cares for her. From here the story picks up with more action and the budding romance between Bay and Long Quiet. I am definitely a fan of Ms. Johnston now, and look forward to reading many more of her books!
I rate this book a solid 4 sodas.
I won this book at Martha's Bookshelf.
Historical Romance Challenge
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This actually sounds like a story I would like. I'm a really big American Indian Romance fan. I wish they wrote more of them.

I enjoyed your review.