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Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Book Review-Step On a Crack

Photo taken by myselfImage via Wikipedia
A terrific James Patterson story. Michael Bennett, father of 10, is an NYPD Detective. His wife is in the hospital, and he is learning how to deal with her illness. Meantime, someone poisons the First Lady. A few days later, her funeral is held at St.Patrick's Cathedral. All kinds of celebrities show up for this event, and people are lined for blocks for the First Lady.
A bunch of men in ski masks and brown monk robes, take over the Cathedral! Michael is called to the scene to possibly help with negotiations. I dont want to give too much away, but suffice it to say that there is many twists to this story. I couldnt stop reading this one!
A definite 4 sodas!
I won this book in a contest!
James Patterson II Challenge
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