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Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Stones for My Father Book Review

Piet Joubert, the Boer CommanderImage via Wikipedia
This was certainly a unique novel. It begins as a narrative from a young girls point of view, living with her mom and 2 brothers. She had just lost her papa the year before, and now life was more difficult between her and her mother. At the same time, there is a war going on, between Britain and their country-Africa. The war is known as The Anglo-Boer War. The girl's name is Corlie, and her family had servants that helped her mother with daily chores. Corlie was fast friends with the son,Sipho. They would go and collect things, such as firewood, berries etc. The time came for them to move to a camp, and the story really unfolds from here. Its a very touching story.

I rate this story 4 soda's.
I received this book for review, the opinions here are solely my own.
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Carrie at In the Hammock Blog said...

Sounds really good, thanks for the review!

Heather said...

We did learn so much about Corlie once she was at the camp. it was her mother who revealed her true colours at that same time. Thanks for sharing your comments.