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Friday, March 25, 2011

Review-The Mistress House by Leigh Michaels

I am sorry to say that I didnt care for this "romance" novel.
It starts with Lady Anne Keighley and Lord Hawthorne, and they instantly get together and fall into bed, then her friend comes to visit and falls for Lord Hawthorne's cousin, Lord Colford. And again they instantly get together and gets right into bed, and yet a third time with Lord Hawthorne's ward, and Julian -Marquess of Silsby. This book had no chemistry, no romance, just a thrown together assembly of 3 couples. Quite disappointing.
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1 comment:

Jessica ( frellathon ) said...

Well not gonna rush out to get this then. Though I hope the author doesn't come to your site to tell you how wrong you are like I just had on my blog. Kind of freaked out now to leave a negative review. But as is the case here sometimes you just don't like it.