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Friday, November 19, 2010

Holiday Challenge Book Review

I chose "A Highlander for Christmas" by Sandy Blair for one of the books for the Holiday Book Challenge, I only have 2 holiday books, so I will wait a little before I read the next one! Ok, now for the review.

This book can fall under several categories, Historical Romance, paranormal and Romantic Comedy! Sandy writes with such flair,and a terrific sense of humor!
Enhanced by Zemanta
How the two main characters meet is unique,right off the bat. And I must say, there really isnt alot o "typical" romance in here, however the humor and storyline keeps you
reading and wanting more! I must say the ending was just terrific! If you want to have a fun read, this is definitely one!

My rating:5 Sodas- Just fantastic-get it if ya can!


Felicity Grace Terry said...

Hi Joann, This looks and sounds like a different kind of a holiday read. I love the idea that it falls into so many different categories, there must be something there for almost everyone.

nice to have met you. You can find my 2nd book review at

if you'd like to stop by.

Wakela said...

This is actually sitting on my TBR shelf. I just really needed a break from holiday reading after doing 10 books for this challenge though.