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Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Mom News

Hi everyone, thanks for all the good thoughts and prayers they are both needed and appreciated! Ok well, this morning she opened her eyes a few times but did not respond to simple commands,"squeeze my hand" etc. Then around noon she started swelling up and the doctor was in there for about an hour stabilizing her blood pressure. Well after being with her and noticing her swelling he decided that she needs dialysis! So thats where we are at right now. She hasnt opened her eyes again and doesnt respond to physical or vocal commands. She has been on dialysis now all day, and they told my dad they were doing what they can for her. So I am going to PA to see mom. I probably wont be online for a little while anyway. Ok there is something else I really need to say, a few days ago I received an email who found me on a certain blog and was asking to be her "friend", I dont appreciate these kinds of emails,it just didnt strike me as right.  Also I keep getting these emails saying that I win money or pounds, and I am sick of them as well.
Ok thanks again for all the good thoughts/prayers! Thanks also for reading!! 


Kayla said...

I hope that you have a safe trip.

Joann said...

Thanks so much!! Joann

Brenda said...

I hope you have a safe trip! Still keeping all of you in my prayers.