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Thursday, June 24, 2010

My Mom

Hello everyone. I am sorry to say that my mom has passed away. I left thurs. afternoon(Her birthday), and arrived Sat. morning, and when I got here she was already declared legally dead. It has been a very rough 4 days for me. I am staying here awhile to help my dad. She wouldve been 65 had she made it to thurs. Thanks so much for all the good thoughts, and prayers.


Krystal said...

I'm so sorry to hear. I wish I had much I could say, but all I can really do it pray your family and you heal in time. Best wishes.

Cakeblast said...

I'm sorry to hear. You and your Dad will be in my prayers.

Brenda said...

I'm so sorry! I will keep you and your dad in my prayers.

Kayla said...

I am so sorry sweetie. My thoughts are with you!

Joann said...

Thank you all so very much! I am grateful for your kindness!