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Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Book Review- A Light at Winter's End-Julia London

A terrific contemporary romance that keeps you reading! It begins with two sisters, Hannah and Holly. Hannah has a perfect life, a handsome husband, a career, a beautiful baby boy. She is the "responsible" one, the other sister, Holly is struggling to be a songwriter. Their mother always told Holly to be more like Hannah. 
One afternoon as Holly was working on a song for a client, her sister came to her loft.Totally dropped a bomb on Holly that completely changed her life. She left her baby boy with Holly and just took off.
I don't want to tell you too much more, but the emotions that go through this story really touches you. Holly meets Wyatt out at her mom's old place, thus begins another complication in her life!
This really is a terrific novel, of love, loss, pain pill addiction, and forgiveness.
I highly recommend this love story. 5 cans of soda

I bought this book at Walmart!

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1 comment:

Lizzy said...

Looks like a goodie. Thanks for stopping by my blog.