This is a decent detective novel. It takes place in NY, the 2 main characters are Alexandra,who is a lawyer and works with sexually assaulted victims, and Mike the homicide detective. It begins with a young woman who has been decapitated, and left in front of a church in a rough area of New York. Mike and Alex then question the caretaker and they search the area for clues.As they are working on this case, Alex is also caught up in a case with a petulant teenager who claimed rape against a boy she was going to school with. And of course, Dad doesnt believe she did anything wrong! From there, they meet up with a few different characters that are just a supporting cast in the story. Then there is another killing, and now Mike and Alex are starting to figure out that there is a religous connection, they just have to find out what it is!
I enjoyed it. I give it 3 cans of sodas.
I won this book from Goodreads. My review is based solely on what I thought of the book.
50 States Challenge-New York
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