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Sunday, October 10, 2010

My Readathon Stats

Well, this readathon was fun but I didnt get any books finished. However i did get 36 more pages read between 3 am and 4am! Our youngest daughter who is autistic went on her first field trip on a Sat. to a MAJOR amusement park. She had the best time!! However the books I started for the readathon I will finish this week. I feel down cause I didnt finish anything, but I was very excited and thrilled for our girl that I didnt really concentrate very well!!
Total Pages Read:109
Titles of Books reading:
 Halloween Party- Agatha Christie
War and Remembrance- Herman Wouk
Sinful in Satin-Madeline Hunter
I hope everyone had a good time, and I loved the cheers! Thanks so much! Also the mini challenges, they were great fun!!
Happy 10/10/10!
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1 comment:

Julie said...

Oh, gosh! I know what you mean by the excitement of seeing your bebe with an autistic disorder going off on their own to something that they wouldn't have been able to handle not so long ago! WTG! I'm glad she enjoyed herself!

Julie @ Knitting and Sundries