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Monday, September 13, 2010

30 Day Challenge Catchup

Well I thought I was the only one behind with the challenge but guess what- NOPE!  Susie B. Homemaker was also behind, and she is the host! Yippee, I didnt miss anything! Ok so here we go!
Day 10-A photo of me taken over  10 yrs ago- oh boy, dont laugh too hard!
My graduation picture!
 Day 11-A photo of me recently Big difference huh?

Day 12- The song I wanted for my wedding huh. "I dont Wanna Cry" was played at reception.
Day 13-A guilty pleasure- What is that?
Ok I am all caught up.

1 comment:

Susie B. Homemaker said...

Haha, thanks for calling me out. ;-) And love the graduation photo! :p