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Tuesday, August 3, 2010

My First Challenge!! August 2010 Blog Challenge

Hello everyone!  The topic is Fall(ing) from Fashion Well I must say since I am now 41 and have gained weight I certainly dont dress the way I used to i.e. tight jeans and nice blouses. Back in high school (20 yrs+ ago) the in thing was designer jeans- Jordache jeans with the horse on the upper front pocket, Gloria Vanderbilt, Sassoon, Calvin Kleins. I have noticed that since I am older now I dress for comfort and niceness! I like pants I can breathe in, so no more tight jeans for me!! This fall I will still be wearing shorts as summer doesnt end here weather wise until November! I wear shorts with gummy waistbands, comfy and roomy! My biggest fashion mistake was wearing a baseball shirt without a bra, boy did I get all kinds of looks!! I was young... I was never a fashion diva, but I like who I am!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for coming to visit my blog and becoming a follower! I would love to do the same but I don't see Google follower. Is there something special I need to do to become a follower of your blog? Please let me know, I'd love to return the favor! Hope to hear from you soon!

Unknown said...

new follower
found you through the challenge at bloggy moms.
interesting fashion read.

would love for you to drop by.