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Friday, August 20, 2010

Follow Me Friday

Still On the Verge is hosting Follow Me Friday, please stop by and follow her!
Welcome to Follow Me Friday! This is a great way to find new blogs and make new friends and get new followers. Here is all you have to do:
* Please make a post about Follow Me Friday
* Grab the Follow Me Friday badge below
* Put the badge in your post so others know to comment and follow
* Spread the word and get others to join!
* Sign in below
* Find new friends and let them know where you found them from.
The rules are: there are NO rules. Follow as many or as few as you would like.

1 comment:

Inspiring You To Save! said...

Hello. It's Jessica from over at Inspiring You to Save. I wanted to know if you could give me some feedback on my website. You are one of my favorite readers. Head over to the website and let me know what you like or dislike. No hard feelings either way. Promise :) Afterwards, head over to my contact me page and fill out the form.