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Wednesday, July 14, 2010

About Tea!

What is Matcha Green Tea?

Organic matcha powder comes from gyokuro, a Japanese green tea plant that is covered with reed screens three weeks before harvest to shield it from sunlight resulting in a deep dark green leaf.

The pure dried leaves, minus their fine veins and stems, are then ground into a fine powder, almost the consistency of talc.

Interesting Anecdotes
Rich in antioxidants, matcha is the revered tea of the centuries-old Japanese tea ceremony. Sipped only on occasion, this tea is traditionally prepared in single portions, whipped to a frothy green color with a bamboo whisk.

This jade-hued infusion offers a spring-time grassy flavor and the smooth character makes it a good partner with sweet or savory foods.

Green tea contains very low levels of caffeine, less than a quarter the amount of caffeine per cup than in a similar-sized cup of coffee.

Preparing Matcha Green Tea is Easy

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