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Sunday, May 23, 2010

Booksneeze Book Review!!

I am reviewing the book, "Everyone Communicates Few Connect" by John C. Maxwell. I have one great word for this book, Enlightening!! I have had trouble communicating, so I found this book to be very self-helpful! To tell you more, the author explains that there are several ways of connecting with the people in your life. He breaks it down so that its very easy to understand and quite pleasant to read!
Some self help books are very technical and quite honestly boring, but this book was/is very enjoyable. Did you know that we receive thousands of messages each day, and that we choose which ones to respond to? Interesting, not something I really ever thought about.

Having a good attitude, a sense of humor and several other traits will help you connect, according to Mr. Maxwell. There are Five Principles and Five Practices in this book that will help you achieve better connections, I recommend this for those who need to communicate better, or who enjoys learning new things. This book is very well written and I would buy it! 

1 comment:

Social Media Junkie said...

Hi Joann,
Thanks for linking up with us for FMBT. I am now following you back. have a great week !
Staycee ( Survey Junkie )